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Couples Counseling 


Shift from relationshp disaster to relationship master.

Your relationship is suffering. There are communication issues and too much conflict. You aren't sure how to navigate these challenges anymore. You and your partner need some tools and understanding on how to relate to each other more effectively, understand each other better, and tackle some of your problems as a successful team.


Getting the needle moving in the right direction is where the work begins. This means identifying the areas that need work, and then learning real tools that help each person understand their responsibility, and practical ways to shift towards new ways of understanding and relating. 


Recently trained in Gottman Level 1 Couples Counseling, I help couples learn much needed skills to help manage conflicts, grow affection, and move forward with their relationship in healthy ways. 

Areas that can be addressed in Couples Therapy:

1) Remembering that conflict is normal. We are not trying to get rid of conflict, we are learning how to manage it much, much better. 

2) Learning how to stay calm during conflict. Nobody can connect with another person, or solve problems effectively when they are flooded with emotion. Knowing how to keep your cool is a vital tool. Learn tips and skills to self-soothe, instead of getting triggered.

3) Acknowledging better ways to manage conflict. Know when you are engaging in one of the 'four horsemen.'  These are ways we interact with our partner that are very unhealthy for the relationship. Learn how to replace these four deadly horsemen with practical new approaches. 

4) Practicing planting seeds—cultivating and growing things that sustain a relationship: shared meaning, understanding your partner's dreams, healthy rituals, conflict repair, fondness and admiration, how to turn toward instead of away, sex, romance, and passion!

I'm a licensed psychotherapist in Vietnam. I am also Level 1 trained in the well-researched and effective Gottman Couples Counseling Method. If you are interested in Couples Therapy, you can contact me here.


The Couples Counseling fee is $130usd per session. Each session is 50-60 minutes, and typically done once per week. Couples Counseling also entails individual sessions for each partner.

There are a couple of sliding scale options available for those who cannot afford the regular fee.

Insurance is not accepted. Payments can be made with cash (VND is ok) or credit card. 

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